In addition to the above point, the duration of holding the shares is also essential to determine the tax on capital gains on shares. This is so because, the taxation rate for long term and short term capital gains is different. Furthermore, for the basis of determining the tax on capital gains of shares, the duration is different for listed and unlisted shares.
- Duration for Listed Shares
If equity shares listed on a stock exchange are sold after 12 months of purchase, then it is a Long Term Capital Gain (or Capital Loss). Whereas, if such equity shares are sold before 12 months of purchase, then it is Short Term Capital Loss.
- Duration for Unlisted Shares
On the other hand, if the shares not listed on stock exchange are sold after 24 months of purchase, then it is a Long Term Capital Gain (or Capital Loss). In contrast, if such shares are sold before 24 months of purchase, then it is Short Term Capital Loss.