Business Loan Apply

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Take your business to great heights

With your business plans all set out to take the commercial world with a storm, lack of finances is the last thing that should stand between you and your business ambition. We don’t believe any business ambition is too big, or too small. Whatever be the requirement, we’ve got you covered!

Interested ?

Kindly fill up the below details , our Finance Team will contact you as soon as possible.

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A Business Loan is a credit you can avail to meet your growing business’s urgent requirements. Business Loans allow you to usher in funds for your enterprise to expand your existing business, boost production, take your operations online, buy new machinery, and more. The quick infusion of cash through business finance enables you to make necessary purchases and payments on time ensuring smooth business functioning.

Whether you plan on equipping your workforce with the latest technology or a new store launch is in the wind, cover your expenses with our Easy Business Loans2020 has left many businesses volatile, and our multi-product business finance offerings are tailored to assist with your specific requirements. What’s more, you can avail online Business Loans with swift processing because we don’t make you stand in queues or burden you with heavy paperwork.

Any type of business entity, e.g:
  • Sole proprietorship
  • Partnership
  • Pvt And Public Company
  • LLP
  • Trust
  • Society, etc.
  • Green Field (New Project)
  • Loan Against Property (LAP)
  • Overdraft (temporary) Facility
  • Cash Credit
  • Term Loan
  • Channel Financing (Inventory Funding) & also for applying Govt. Land (in Odisha) on lease basis


Available for entities who have some address proof at Bhubaneswar and Cuttack City only. You may contact us for more details if you don’t have any address proof at these locations

Ideation Advisory Private Limited only assists prospective borrowers in the preparation of various loan documents. Ideation Advisory does not provide any sort of guarantee on the success of getting loans from financial institutions. Kindly fill up the details, and our team will contact you shortly.


STEP-1: Pre-scrutiny of proposal

STEP-2: Meeting with Lending Institutions employee

STEP-3: Road Map on Loan Requirement

STEP-4: Loan documents preparation

STEP-5: Loan Progress update from Lending Institution

STEP-6: Liasioning with Lender on Disbursement Process. *

* For STEP-6: for successful cases only

Interested ?

Kindly fill up the necessary details so we may contact you
Standard Document Checklist * (It may vary in case to case basis)
  1. KYC Documents of the Firm/company including all statutory approvals if any.
  2. KYC documents of the promoter/ guarantor.
  3. Audited financial statements of last 3 years along with IT returns, tax audit report and schedules
  4. Projected Balance Sheet for next 2 years.
  5. IT Returns with computation income of the promoters/ Guarantors for last 3 years.
  6. Business Account Bank Statement (CA & CC if any) (in Soft Copy only).
  7. Copy of GST Returns and Current Performance. [Latest 18 months ending with application date]
  8. Copies of Other Bank’s Sanction Letter if any [if already availed loan]
  9. List of 5 major suppliers with Bank account details & list of 5 major buyer.
  10. Property Papers of the land and building proposed as collateral security.
  11. 3 Years Audited Financials of the Sister Concerns.
  12. Post Dated Cheques for TIR and Valuation of the proposed collateral.
  13. Copy of lease agreement of the office/godown.
  14. Copy of dealership agreement if any.
  15. Term Loan account statements if any.
  16. Notarized Asset Liability Statement Cum Bio Data form with details of the promoters/ Guarantor.
  17. Loan Application in standard format.
  18. Copy of Money Receipt or payments made to Audit Firm for Audit of the unit.
  19. Brief Profile of the unit.
  20. Details of work orders in hand.
  21. Statutory and Regulatory approvals as applicable for the unit.

Any other documents as deemed necessary may be sought at the time of processing.

N.B: If any other above documents is not applicable, please ignore the point

Got Any Queries ?

Feel Free To Call Us! +91-85990-42269